Stop light to Stop Light Terror heading to the Streets of Sacramento!

Hey the little 1968 AMC AMX left today and on its way to the Suburbs of Sacramento, CA. Its going to love it there in Sunny California, and plenty of streets to terrorize from stop light to stop light. Any guesses what AMX represents, post your comments below. Funny that I have sold this car 2 times, once last year when I bought it from the family, and this year when I took it on consignment. I wonder if we will ever cross paths again. I believe we might, next winter I plan on visiting the new owners place to see some of his cars. He also told me about the California Automobile Museum in Sacramento, looks like a lot of fun. I'll report on the museum when we go down there in December. Anyways, will miss the little AMX, great car factory 390, 4spds don't grow on trees anymore!!!